Soil erosion has been a long-standing issue in the villages under the Binnachara Gram Panchayat in Dhubri district, where the Gangadhar River has washed away four villages and partially affected over six villages, displacing thousands of people from their land. To address this problem, a company named after Bhagya Deka has been tasked to construct an embankment at a cost of Rs. 11 crore under the AIDF scheme.
However, locals alleged that the construction is not being done as per rules and the embankment will not solve their long-standing problem of soil erosion. According to them, the company started construction without declaring the budget and scheme of the work or installing the mandatory foundation stone. They also claimed that plastic sacks filled with the river's alluvial soil were being used for the construction, which they said would not be effective for long.
The locals' complaint is not unfounded as a similar issue had been reported last year when a 1400 metre long road was constructed in the same area. Residents alleged that rampant corruption was involved in the construction of the road, which was subsequently washed away during the monsoon. Now, they fear that the same fate awaits the newly constructed embankment.
Moreover, the fenced border adjacent to the Indo-Bangladesh border has also been eroded, leaving an open barrier between the two countries. The locals demanded that the government ensure that no corruption takes place in the construction work and complete the work properly. They believe that if the government is spending money to protect them, it should be corruption-free and effective in providing a permanent solution.
The area has suffered enough from soil erosion, and the people need to have faith in the government's ability to provide a solution that works. Therefore, it is essential that the government takes strict measures to prevent corruption in the construction work and address the locals' concerns regarding the embankment's effectiveness.