In a tense situation at Rangia police station, a young man named Taficul Ali surrendered after confessing to killing his girlfriend, Sonia Begum, also known as Majni.
The couple, who had signed a marriage agreement six months ago, were due to get married soon.
Police received information about the incident and subsequently recovered Sonia's body, which had been dumped near the Nona River on the Rangiya-Nalbari border.
The shocking incident has left the local community in disbelief.
According to initial reports, Tafiqul Ali and Sonia Begum were deeply in love and had formalized their relationship with their families' consent.
However, the circumstances leading to the tragic end are still under investigation.
Authorities are currently questioning Taficul Ali to understand the motive behind the crime.
Meanwhile, Sonia Begum's family is devastated by the loss of their daughter.