A young man named Sanu has been accused of selling drugs through fake transgender in different parts of Nagaon. According to reports, Nisha Sanu has been allegedly involved in the sale of drugs through these fake transgenders. On March 20, a group of transgender in Nagaon arrested the fake transgender and handed them over to the police.
The incident has sparked a heated situation inside the Sadar police station in Nagaon. The sardar of fake transgender, Raji, has been named in the case. It is also alleged that many youths led by Raji looted Nagaon on behalf of fake transgender.
Following the arrest of the fake transgender, a transgender has lodged an FIR at Nagaon Sadar police station against the two accused. The two fake transgenders are currently stuck at Sadar police station in Nagaon.
It is worth mentioning that Sanu, who is involved in the sale of drugs, is reportedly a lover of fake transgender Rosie. The police are investigating the matter further.
The incident has created a sense of fear among the locals, who are now demanding strict action against those involved in the sale of drugs through fake transgenders. The police have assured that they will take appropriate action in the matter.