A man from Assam's Lakhimpur district who disappeared in Delhi after attending a protest has returned home on April 8. The man, identified as Bul Bora from Doolhat, was reportedly robbed and tortured by a group of thugs in Delhi who posed as auto drivers. After binding his hands and legs, the thugs assumed that Bora was dead and abandoned him. Bora's family searched frantically for him while he was missing for several days.
According to reports, Bora was subjected to severe torture by the miscreants. They smashed a bottle on his head, broke his leg, and cut off his toes. After three days, Bora regained consciousness and managed to escape from his captors. His return has brought relief to his family and the people of Lakhimpur.
In the meantime, another man, Manoj Baruah, who works as an agent of the Ranganadi Cooperative Society, remains missing in Delhi. Baruah's brother went to Delhi to look for him but returned without any information about his whereabouts. The incident has raised concerns about the safety of people traveling to Delhi for protests.
On March 22, agents from different parts of the state had gone to Delhi to hold a dharna, demanding various issues related to the state's development. However, Bul Bora's kidnapping has shocked the people of the state, and many have called for the government to take strict action against the culprits. The police are investigating the matter, and more details are awaited.