Assam: Morigaon medical team delivers baby on boat amidst floodwater

Assam: Morigaon medical team delivers baby on boat amidst floodwater

A 25-year-old woman gave birth on a boat while being evacuated from a flood-hit area in Morigaon. The medical team successfully delivered the baby despite challenging conditions.

India TodayNE
  • Jul 05, 2024,
  • Updated Jul 05, 2024, 4:57 PM IST

A 25-year-old Jahanara Khatoon found herself in labor while being evacuated from a flood-hit char (sandbar) in Morigaon. As the medical team transported her to the nearest health facility, the situation's urgency demanded an impromptu birthing environment. The healthcare professionals converted their boat into a makeshift delivery room, using a tarpaulin cover to shield the mother and team from the pouring rain.

"It is so satisfying that we could complete the delivery. The mother and the baby are absolutely fine at Jhargaon block PHC," said Dr. P.C. Pator, the sub-divisional medical officer of Jhargaon, who led the operation. Despite the challenging conditions, the team successfully delivered a healthy baby surrounded by the raging waters of the Brahmaputra, as reported by TOI.

Dr. Pator revealed that the newborn has a congenital defect, and they are yet to determine the baby's sex. He emphasized, however, that both mother and child are otherwise healthy. The medical team has been navigating the river's dangerous waters daily, aiming to evacuate expectant mothers, young children, and senior citizens from remote river islands and provide essential medical care to those in need.

"On Wednesday, we visited about five such chars, and at Khandakhaiti we came across Jahanara Khatoon who was expecting her third child in August. But when our team examined her, they found that she needed to be brought to the hospital immediately. We brought her to the boat and started moving when she went into labor," Dr. Pator recounted.

Following this extraordinary delivery, Dr. Pator and his team continued their mission, evacuating another pregnant woman from a different char on Thursday. "She is expecting soon," he noted.

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