A team from Nagaon Police, led by Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Kaliabar, in collaboration with officers from Samaguri Police Station and Jakhalbanda Police Station, recovered 26 small plastic containers containing suspected heroin. The net weight of the seized substance is reported to be 2.07 grams.
The operation, aimed at curbing the illicit drug trade in the region, resulted in the arrest of 5 individuals allegedly involved in the possession and distribution of narcotics. The suspects were apprehended and are now under police custody for further legal proceedings.
The concerted efforts of the Nagaon Police team, under the leadership of SDPO Kaliabar, have been commended for their swift and effective action in tackling drug-related crimes. The recovery of suspected heroin in plastic containers underscores the ongoing challenges posed by drug trafficking networks in the area.