Amid nationwide raids conducted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), Enforcement Directorate (ED) and state police forces against the Popular Front of India (PFI), one Regional Secretary of the Northeast branch of PFI, identified as Aminul Haque has been arrested from Guwahati’s Hatigaon area.
The raids reportedly took place at House No. 26 at Friends Path in the Hatigaon neighbourhood at the residence of the PFI leader and North East Regional Secretary Aminul Haque at around 3 am.
The PFI chief has been detained by the NIA in relation to terror funding, setting up of training camps, and radicalizing people to join proscribed organizations.
Haque had apparently been held for questioning multiple times in the past. He had been leaving as a tenant here for the past five years with his wife and two kids.
The landlord of the house has been identified as Mahrum Ali. In addition, the police detained another PFI leader Farhad Ali Ahmed from Dispur.