The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police arrested a prime accused in Kokrajhar district on Monday, marking another breakthrough in their ongoing crackdown against terror networks. The arrested individual, identified as 35-year-old Gazi Rahman from Bhodeyaguri, Kokrajhar, is reportedly linked to jihadi outfits Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) and Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT).
IGP (STF) Partha Sarathi Mahanta confirmed Rahman’s arrest as part of Operation Praghat, a statewide mission targeting anti-national activities. “The STF, with the assistance of Kokrajhar Police, successfully apprehended the absconding accused. Legal procedures are underway, and investigations are continuing,” Mahanta stated.
This development follows a series of arrests under the operation. On December 27, the STF apprehended 36-year-old Shahinur Islam from Dhubri district. During the raid in Bandhabpara, Bilasipara, officials recovered incriminating materials, including books in Urdu, personal identification documents, and electronic devices.
In a separate raid on December 24 in Kokrajhar’s Namapara area, the STF foiled a potential terror attack linked to a global terrorist organization. Two suspects, Abdul Zaher Sheikh and Sabbir Mirdha, were arrested, and an arsenal of weapons, explosives, and materials for making IEDs were seized. The items included handmade rifles resembling AK-47s, live ammunition, and explosive devices.
The STF's operations have so far resulted in the arrest of 12 individuals associated with jihadi networks in Assam, West Bengal, and Kerala. The mission underscores Assam Police’s commitment to combating terror and safeguarding the state. Further investigations are ongoing to dismantle the networks completely.