The Morigaon Dharamtul police have apprehended three fake gold smugglers who were based in Lakhimpur Nowboicha. The smugglers were identified as Samar Ali, Alaluddin and Ashraf. The police have seized around 2 kg 80 gm of fake gold boats from them.
According to the police, the arrests were made after receiving specific information about a possible smuggling bid. The police raided the house of Uluullah in Narmari No. 1 under Dharamtul police station and caught the smugglers red-handed.
The police officials informed that the three smugglers were taken into custody and charged with various offenses related to smuggling and counterfeiting. The police are investigating the matter further to uncover the source of the fake gold items and to identify any potential accomplices.
This comes on the heels of another fake gold smuggling operation that was carried out by the Jagiroad Police on March 20 in Assam's Morigaon district. Four suspects were detained and several fake gold items were recovered from their possession along with six mobile phones. The suspects were identified as Abu Taher, Faizul Islam, Rekibuddin Ali and Jahidul Islam.
Police officials suspect that these recent arrests may be part of a larger fake gold smuggling nexus, and are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
The Morigaon Dharamtul police have warned that they will continue to crack down on smuggling and other criminal activities in the area, and will not hesitate to take strict action against those involved in such illegal activities.