Salbari police arrested a drug peddler, Abdul Rahman, aged 46, with brown sugar at Jakholi Beel Pathar. The operation, led by Chandan Raut, the officer-in-charge of Salbari police station, took place last evening and resulted in the seizure of eight grams of brown sugar, including 64 containers filled with the substance.
The arrest and seizure occurred during a covert operation under the Salbari sub-division. Abdul Rahman, a resident of Jakholi Beel Pathar under Govardhana police station, was found in possession of the drugs at his residence. This successful bust is part of an ongoing effort by local authorities to combat drug trafficking in the region.
Following his arrest, Abdul Rahman has been sent to jail custody by the Salbari police. The police continue to investigate to uncover further connections and potentially more individuals involved in the drug trade.