Assam police carried out a raid in Moirabari, located in the Morigaon district, leading to the arrest of eight suspected cyber criminals. This raid was part of an ongoing crackdown on a notorious cyber crime syndicate that has been active in the region.
The operation led to the detention of several key individuals, including Jahanur Ali, Fardis Ali, Wakibur Rahman, Hussain Jahangir Ali, and Babul Islam. Authorities are in the process of verifying the identities of three other suspects arrested during the raid.
During the operation, one of the detainees exhibited signs of severe health issues and was subsequently transferred to Nagaon Medical College for immediate medical attention.
Morigaon police have initiated thorough interrogations of those arrested as they intensify their efforts to dismantle cyber crime networks in the area. This recent action reflects the ongoing campaign against cyber criminal activities in Assam.
Over the past year, the state's law enforcement agencies have apprehended and imprisoned more than 200 individuals involved in cyber crime, showcasing their resolve to curb this growing menace.
Also read: Scammer held in Assam for targetting student scholarship recipients