A graphic image, created by an Assam police officer urging people to obey traffic rules, has taken Twitter by a storm. The reason – it depicts the signature pose of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
Guwahati Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ponjit Dowarah, uploaded the image that had the message “Traffic Niyam Ka Kripaya Palan Karein” (follow traffic rules) on his Twitter handle.
He also tweeted: “The universal pose of @iamsrk has touched all down the ages, but please read the message also #FollowTrafficRules @MorigaonPolice @Darrangpol @cachar_police @KamrupPolice”.
Khan was among users retweeting the image with a comment: “The best message I think this pose has conveyed. Please please follow traffic rules.”
Dowarah said his concept was to reach out to maximum people but “I did not imagine that it will reach the Bollywood superstar and that he would retweet it”.