The safety of women has always been a pressing issue in India, and on April 7, President Droupadi Murmu took a step towards making women feel safer by launching the 'Bhoroxa' mobile app at the Gauhati High Court. The app, which includes various helpline numbers across the state and women-related schemes, will help women in distress seek immediate help.
The week-long platinum jubilee celebrations of the Gauhati High Court began on April 1 with a bicycle rally, followed by a friendly cricket match between the teams of Chief Justice XI and Chief Minister's XI. The event was graced by the honourable Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court, Dr Sandeep Mehta, who welcomed the attendees with a speech emphasising the importance of maintaining peace and harmony for the safety of women and other marginalised sections of society.
One of the main features of the app is the 181 helpline number for women seeking help. This helpline will ensure that women in distress can immediately reach out to the authorities and seek help. The app also includes details about various schemes aimed at women's empowerment and their safety.
The 'Bhoroxa' mobile app's launch was a part of the platinum jubilee celebrations of the Gauhati High Court, where a commemorative stamp was released on April 5 by Union Minister Kiren Rijiju, and Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma released the Assamese version of the book "Gauhati High Court: History and Heritage."
On the same occasion, Chief Justice of India also released two apps on the online e-sewa Kendra for Assam and integrated CIS and e-Prisons applications.
The 'Bhoroxa' mobile app's launch is a step forward in making women feel safer in India and can be seen as a major initiative towards women's safety and empowerment.