In a strange incident, a family members handed over a notorious thief Shibu Kumar to Bharalamukh Police after he escaped from their custody on January 1. According to reports, Shibu Kumar escaped from the police custody while being taken for a medical check up.
Notably , Shibu Kumar, a notorious two-wheeler thief has his name registered in several police stations in Guwahati. This is not the first time that he was indulged in theft activities. According to reports, Shibu Kumar is a resident of Fatasil Ambari area of Guwahati. Following his escape, he had fled to his home.But, a day later on January 2, he was brought back by his own family members to the police station.
Earlier , in Septemeber , 2022, A prisoner of the Biswanath district jail escaped during transit in Biswanath district of Assam.
Bhaskar Jyoti Nath, a resident of Tezpur, was identified as the prisoner involved in the daring escape. Nath had been awarded a jail term of 20 years for alleged murder. He was also convicted for two cases of kidnap and dacoity, along with the murder charge.
The prisoner reportedly escaped from police custody while he was taken from the Tezpur sessions court to the Biswanath jail. In June this year, the authorities had transferred the prisoner to Biswanath district prison from Tezpur jail, where he was earlier lodged.
Prior to this, On August, 2022, a prisoner escaped from custody of Assam Police in Karimganj district.
According to sources, the accused, identified as Abdul Mujib, was held under the charges on drugs by Karimganj Police.
The prisoner was taken to the district court where the accused asked for permission to go the washroom.
When it was late and the prisoner did not show up, the police checked the bathroom and he was nowhere to be found.
Later, it was discovered that the suspect took the opportunity and escaped by breaking the glass of the ventilator.