Tensions escalated in Karimganj as members of the Hindu Suraksha Dal, the youth wing of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha, gathered at the AOC point to protest against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The protest was ignited by Banerjee’s recent remarks, which were deemed derogatory towards the sadhus of Bharat Sevashram Sangha and the Maharajs of Ramakrishna Mission.
Onlookers witnessed a highly charged demonstration as protestors burned an effigy of Mamata Banerjee. The Hindu Suraksha Dal, vocal and organized, expressed their indignation over Banerjee's statements, which they claimed insulted revered religious figures and institutions.
The protestors carried banners and shouted slogans condemning Banerjee’s comments. They demanded an immediate apology and warned of further actions if their grievances were not addressed. The protest was marked by a disciplined but fervent display of their dissatisfaction, underlining the depth of their discontent.
Leaders of the Hindu Suraksha Dal addressed the gathering, highlighting the contributions of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha and the Ramakrishna Mission to society and spirituality. They accused Mamata Banerjee of disrespecting these institutions and their spiritual leaders, thereby hurting the sentiments of millions of their followers.
"The sadhus and maharajs have dedicated their lives to the service of humanity and the propagation of spiritual values," said a spokesperson from the Hindu Suraksha Dal. "Any derogatory remark against them is an insult to the entire Hindu community, and we will not tolerate it."