The search for job opportunities outside Assam has become increasingly challenging in recent times, with a series of missing cases being reported. A shocking incident recently came to light when two individuals from Tinsukia, Juna Aao (39) and Sonu Tanti (40), went missing after travelling to Kerala in search of better employment prospects.
According to reports, the two men boarded a train to Kerala on March 18, but Juna Aao reportedly fell unconscious inside the train soon after they reached Tamil Nadu. Sonu Tanti contacted Juna Aao's family and informed them of his friend's condition. Hours later, Sonu claimed that Juna Aao had lost his mental balance and disappeared after getting off at an unknown station in Tamil Nadu.
"Sonu continued to travel on the same train when some unidentified Tamil-speaking individuals approached him and started thrashing him with rods and sticks. Sonu's mobile then got switched off," said a family member of Sonu Tanti.
The situation took a turn for the worse when a photo of Sonu Tanti's mutilated body was shared with family members via an unknown number on WhatsApp on March 24 night. "We received a photo of Sonu's mutilated body shared from an unknown number, the person called us and spoke in Tamil. We were unable to determine what he was trying to say. The same photo has been shared with others in our village. I think they already have the phone book that Sonu was carrying with him," said a relative.
Family members have identified Sonu's body and requested assistance from Talap Police Station. Investigations are currently ongoing.
This incident has raised serious concerns about the safety and security of people from Assam who travel outside the state for better employment opportunities.