Assam: Rising Kapili river causes widespread displacement and disruption

Assam: Rising Kapili river causes widespread displacement and disruption

Severe flooding continues to devastate Kampur and surrounding areas in Assam, causing massive displacement and disruption. Authorities are working on immediate relief measures as residents struggle to cope with the rising water levels.

Kampur and surrounding areas face severe flooding due to Kapili River's riseKampur and surrounding areas face severe flooding due to Kapili River's rise
India TodayNE
  • May 30, 2024,
  • Updated May 30, 2024, 3:31 PM IST

Severe flooding continues to ravage Kampur and surrounding areas, causing widespread displacement and disruption. 

The relentless rise in the Kapili River's water level, exacerbated by the recent opening of seven dams in Khangdong following days of incessant rain, has flooded nine areas in Barpani, significantly affecting daily life and infrastructure.

Residents in Bakulguri, Nalapara, Garukhunda, Saibukgaon, Patiyapam, Deurigaon, Volvaliya, and Nignarikli are experiencing severe flooding. 

The eastern part of Kampur is particularly vulnerable, with the demolition of a protective embankment, or mathauri, in Patiyapam heightening fears. 

The Kapili River's surge is also threatening the Kampur-Jamunamukh road, a crucial transport route, causing severe erosion and safety concerns.

In Kakotigaon village, locals are taking matters into their own hands by repairing a damaged mathauri using personal donations. 

Meanwhile, six families from Kuuriati have sought refuge on the high-altitude Kampur-Raha road, highlighting the urgent need for shelters and relief.

Health centres in Guimari and Saibuk villages are inundated, disrupting essential medical services. Several schools have ceased operations due to water inflows, further impacting the community.

On Tuesday night, the Nagaon district commissioner and the Kampur circle officer visited the flood-affected areas, assessing the situation and coordinating relief efforts. 

The authorities are working on immediate measures to assist the displaced families and restore normalcy.

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