Renowned short story writer and recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award, Dr. Pranabjyoti Deka, breathed his last on Saturday at the age of 84 in Guwahati. He succumbed to illness after a four-day stay at the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH).
Dr. Deka was honored with the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in December last year for his exceptional contribution to Assamese literature through his book of short stories titled 'Dr. Pranavjyoti Dekar Srestha Galpa', published in 2021.
Renowned for his versatility, Dr. Deka was not only a celebrated short story writer but also a novelist, researcher, dictionary writer, and professor. Born on July 21, 1939, in Kolkata, he left an indelible mark on the literary landscape of Assam.
Earlier, Dr. Deka was undergoing treatment in the ICU of Nemcare Hospital, Guwahati. His distinguished career spanned across various literary genres, and he was particularly revered for his contributions to Assamese literature.
Hailing from a distinguished family background, with his father, Haliram Deka, serving as the first Assamese judge, Dr. Deka's intellectual journey began with his education at renowned institutions such as Cotton College and Banaras Hindu University. He obtained his Master's degree in Geology from Banaras Hindu University in 1961 and later pursued a Doctorate in Economic Geology from the Leningrad School of Mines, demonstrating his academic prowess and dedication to scholarly pursuits.
In 1966, Dr. Deka commenced his illustrious career at the Department of Geology at Gauhati University as a professor, where he imparted knowledge and inspired numerous students over the years.