A new twist has emerged in the Dokreshwar murder mystery after three accused related to the case were arrested. On May 5th, a dead body was recovered from Dokreshwar, Barpeta. After several days of investigation, Barpeta police finally managed to arrest three accused linked to the murder.
On May 9, Additional Superintendent of Police (Addl SP) of Barpeta Police, Pradip Saikia, organized a press meet where he narrated the complete story. "Among the three murderers, Bobidul Khan is the prime accused who was accompanied by two other teens," the Addl SP said.
It is worth mentioning that the prime accused, Bobidul Khan, was actually a victim of sexual abuse. The deceased, Putul Ali, had sexually abused the murderer for the past few years. Various sources also revealed that a few days ago, the accused murderer was beaten by the deceased after Bobidul Khan refused to maintain sexual intimacy with Putul Ali.
On May 4th, Bobidul Khan and the two accused met Putul Ali at Dokreshwar, where they engaged in a heated argument. Later, the disagreement turned into violence, which resulted in the death of Putul Ali.