Bollywood icon Shilpa Shetty, accompanied by her mother Sunanda Shetty, touched down in Guwahati via a flight from Mumbai, gracing the Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Borjhar with their presence.
Renowned for her diverse performances on the silver screen, the actress has embarked on a journey to delve into the rich cultural and spiritual tapestry of the region during her visit.
Reports suggest that Shilpa and her mother are poised to pay homage to the historic Kamakhya Temple, an eminent pilgrimage destination in Guwahati, later today.
Following an overnight stay in one of the city's hotels, Shilpa Shetty's arrival has ignited fervor among fans and locals alike. Excitement is palpable as enthusiasts eagerly anticipate opportunities to catch a glimpse of the beloved star during her sojourn in Guwahati.