In a significant crackdown, the Sivasagar police arrested four individuals in Sonari for allegedly demanding money under the guise of the militant group ULFA-I. The arrests were made from the residence of one of the accused, Pankaj Borgohain.
The individuals taken into custody are identified as Rahul Rajkhowa, Pankaj Borgohain, Kanchan Baruah, and Prashant Chutiya. According to police reports, the group, led by former members of ULFA, was involved in extortion activities, leveraging the name of the insurgent group to intimidate and extract money from locals.
The arrest operation was executed at Borgohain's residence in Sonari, following a tip-off about the group's activities. The police have intensified their efforts to curb such illegal demands and ensure the safety and security of the region's residents.
Further investigations are underway to uncover the full extent of the group's operations and their connections to former ULFA networks. The authorities have assured strict action against any individuals found exploiting the name of militant groups for personal gain.
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