The Final Photo Electoral Rolls for the ensuing Panchayat Elections were published on September 29 by the State Election Commission, Assam.
The Panchayat Electoral Rolls are prepared by District/Sub-Divisional Authorities by taking the relevant portion of the concerned Legislative Assembly electoral rolls, as prescribed in the Assam Panchayat (Constitution) Rules, 1995.
The date of eligibility was fixed as 01.01.2023 by the Assam State Election Commission.
This year, the Assam State Election Commission took the initiative to prepare the Panchayat Rolls digitally in the state, using an Online Electoral Roll Management System (OERMS) developed by the MC (National Informatics Centre). The OERMS, which is a web-based application software, was customised to meet the nuances of the Panchayat Electoral Roll. The digital electoral roll enhances transparency, accessibility and purity. This has been done for the first time for Panchayat Elections in Assam.
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For error-free and smooth preparation of the Final Photo Electoral Rolls, the Commission conducted district and sub-divisional level training of the concerned officials through Video Conferencing and direct training by the District Informatics Centres of NIC.
A dedicated team of IT professionals and legal and logistic support members at the Assam State Election Commission have continuously toiled for the past few months to ensure that the electoral roll preparation process is carried out smoothly. Accordingly, the Draft Photo Electoral Roll was published on August 25, 2023.
The Final Photo Electoral Rolls for the ensuing Panchayat elections have been published today for the forty (40) election districts by District Commissioners / Sub-Divisional Officers of the state, excluding Sixth Schedule Areas and Municipal Areas.
The voter break-up, as per the Final Photo Electoral Rolls for the 40 (forty) election districts is given below:
This time a total of 23,640 polling stations have been set up for the panchayat polls with 89,86963 male voters and 88,12885 female voters.
Further, 279 voters are of the third gender. In total, there are 17,800,127 voters.