In Bharalumukh, a significant breakthrough in the fight against drug trafficking unfolded as a coordinated operation led by Inspector Kapil Pathak of the Special Task Force (STF) culminated in the arrest of an alleged drug trafficker. The raid targeted the residence of Afsana Begum in Bhutnath Bagan, within Bharalumukh Police Station's jurisdiction.
The meticulously planned operation, driven by actionable intelligence, resulted in the apprehension of a female suspect. Upon conducting a thorough search of the premises, law enforcement officers uncovered compelling evidence linking the suspect to illicit activities. Notably, they seized 46.5 grams of suspected heroin concealed in a soapbox and plastic container. Additionally, Rs. 10,410/- in cash, two mobile handsets, 200 empty vials stored in plastic packets, and various other items associated with drug distribution were confiscated.
Inspector Kapil Pathak emphasized the significance of such operations in combating drug trafficking, underscoring law enforcement's unwavering commitment to community safety and security.
The apprehended suspect is currently held in custody pending further investigation and legal proceedings. The Bharalumukh Police Department urges the public to remain vigilant and cooperative in collective efforts to eradicate drug-related crimes from society.
Meanwhile, based on secret information a police team under the supervision of O/C Bongaigaon PS apprehended Sarif Ali of Dawkijhar and seized 3.61 grams of heroine from his possession. Further investigation going on.