Amidst the festivities of Holi, an incident unfolded in Jorhat as a young student tragically lost his life in the waters of the Bhogdoi river. The victim, identified as Arnab Kallol Bora a student of Jorhat Engineering College (JEC) met with an untimely demise while bathing in the river following the colorful celebrations.
Arnab Kallol Bora, hailing from Majuli ventured to the Bhogdoi river in Garmur to partake in post-Holi rituals of cleansing and rejuvenation. However, the joyous occasion took a devastating turn as Arnab encountered a fatal accident resulting in his drowning in the river's currents.
The news of Arnab's tragic demise sent shockwaves through the local community, prompting an outpouring of grief and condolences for the bereaved family. The burial of the young student in the Bhogdoi river serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life amidst moments of celebration.