On the final day of campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections, a campaign event led by Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma took an unexpected turn when one attendee suffered a leg injury while dancing. The incident occurred during the election rally in Laharighat constituency, where Chief Minister Sarma was advocating for BJP candidate Suresh Bora, contesting from the Nagaon Lok Sabha constituency.
The injured individual, whose identity has not been disclosed, reportedly broke his leg while enthusiastically participating in the festivities of the election campaign. Despite the unfortunate mishap, the event continued as Chief Minister Sarma fervently urged voters to support Suresh Bora, emphasizing various promises aimed at the minority community.
During his speech, Chief Minister Sarma did not hold back in his criticism of Lahrighat MLA Dr. Asif Nazar and Congress party candidate Pradyut Bordoloi, highlighting what he perceived as shortcomings in their respective leadership roles.
The incident serves as a reminder of the fervent energy and enthusiasm surrounding political campaigning, especially in the final moments leading up to crucial elections. Despite the setback, the campaign rally proceeded with determination and resolve, underscoring the commitment of political leaders and supporters to sway public opinion in their favor.