In yet another unsettling development, a third student has disappeared in the vicinity of Noonmati area in Guwahati. The latest missing individual, identified as 19-year-old Arun Kumar from Bapuji Nagar 2 in Noonmati joins the ranks of recent cases involving student disappearances.
Adding to the distress, Arana Hussain, a 15-year-old student from the same locality disappeared on Saraswati Puja which forced her family to lodge a complaint with the Noonmati police station. Police in response registered a case under Section 366 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) under No. 27/2. The family suspects the involvement of a young man named Samin Ali in Arana's disappearance.
This incident follows on the heels of two other student disappearances, namely Madhusmita Baishya and Bandita Bhowmik, also from Noonmati. However, a surprising twist emerged when the two missing girls, Madhusmita and Bandita contacted their families today, revealing that they had voluntarily left their homes. Explaining their absence, the duo cited familial challenges and expressed a lack of trust in both police and media assistance.