A young life from Barpeta met a tragic end due to the ominous grip of PUBG. 23-year-old Khanjay Kumar Das, a resident of Barpeta, found himself ensnared in the perilous clutches of PUBG addiction. As per accounts from Khanjay's parents, his fascination with the game escalated to an all-consuming obsession, ultimately plunging him into the depths of mental anguish.
"His excessive engagement with the game had a detrimental impact on his mental well-being," said the father.
The story began with Khanjay's immersion in the virtual realm of PUBG, where he was unwittingly drawn into a web of fictitious narratives. Gradually, these fabrications began to intertwine with reality, blurring the lines between the two worlds.
"One of his concocted tales revolved around him believing that I was a police inspector, despite the fact that our family and neighbors knew well that I am a businessman," his father recounted.
As Khanjay's mental state deteriorated, he even came to accept the unfounded notion that he was an adopted child.
Surrounded by a multitude of these self-created stories, Khanjay increasingly withdrew into his own solitary company, straining his relationships with family members and friends.
On August 8, Khanjay deviated from his routine of late mornings. He instead rose early, left home, and conveyed his intention to buy a book. As the hours stretched on without his return, concern deepened within the family. They went to the police station to report his absence, only to be met with the shocking revelation that Khanjay had taken his own life by leaping into the Brahmaputra River.