Renowned human rights activist and Padma Shri awardee, Birubala Rabha, has fallen ill again as she battles cancer. She has been admitted to undergo treatment at the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH).
Birubala Rabha is known for her tireless campaign against witchcraft and witch-hunting in Assam, received the prestigious Padma Shri award on January 25, 2021, in recognition of her remarkable efforts. For over 15 years, she has been a vocal advocate, appearing at public forums and raising awareness about the atrocities faced by victims of witch-hunting.
Her relentless activism caught the attention of the Assam government, leading to the passing of the Assam Witch Hunting Act in 2015. This legislation has played a crucial role in rescuing many women from the clutches of witch-hunters and ensuring their safety from such heinous practices.
Her contributions have significantly impacted the fight for justice and protection of vulnerable individuals in Assam and beyond.