Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe will meet in Assam's Guwahati in mid-December for the annual Indo-Japan summit. The two leaders are also expected to go for a cruise on the Brahmaputra, which flows through the city, reports said.
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Guwahati has been chosen as the venue for the annual summit because of the Act East Forum launched by India and Japan two years back, aimed at ushering in development in the Northeastern states.
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According to reports, the old DC Bungalow in the city is expected to be the venue for a cultural event during the Indo-Japan meet. The leaders and their delegates will be housed in the hotels Radisson Blu and Vivanta.
Modi and Abe are expected to cap the two-day summit with a visit to the new Peace Museum in Manipur’s capital Imphal, which commemorates one of the fiercest battles of World War 2 in 1944.
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