The BJP top-brass has organized a meeting at the Prime Minister’s official residence today ahead of the Lok Sabha campaign. BJP President Amit Shah, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, chief BJP architect of Northeast Himanta Biswa Sarma and Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal are some of the key dignitaries present.
The Prime Minister will kick off the 2019 Lok Sabha campaign in Assam on January 4. Ranjeet Kumar Dass, the BJP President in the state, has confirmed that the PM will address a crowd at Silchar in the Barak Valley.
It is believed that the PM kicking off his campaign in the Bengali-dominated region will boost the BJP’s morale in the region after many in the area had been left out of the final NRC draft. The state is also gearing up to hold autonomous council elections in the state after the 5-year tenure of the current bodies has either expired or is on the verge of doing so. It may be mentioned that the Prime Minister inaugurated the historic Bogibeel Bridge in the state yesterday.