Three-time former Chief Minister of Assam Tarun Gogoi on Saturday addressed the controversy over the upcoming National Register of Citizens (NRC) in the State (which will now be released on August 31), while taking a few potshots at the Narendra Modi-led BJP Government at the same time.
Questioning the BJP Government's attacks on Co-ordinator Prateek Hajela amid allegations that he is enabling Bangladeshi-origin people register their names in the NRC, Gogoi asked why he is not being removed. "He is just a Government servant and thus, directly answerable to the administration, why is he not being removed or transferred?", he quizzed.
Gogoi also slammed the BJP Government and said that they do not wish to resolve the foreigner issue in the State. "I have never seen Amit Shah discussing this serious issue with this State. If Hajela has erred, why is the Government napping? He is not a Constitutional Authority. This is all a gimmick meant to mislead the public", he said.
Casting doubts over the entire process, Gogoi said that the NRC exercise will only be 50% successful. "I still have my doubts over this NRC, and I further reiterate that this NRC will be a 'waste paper' and and many legal citizens will be deprived from many communities like the Bengali Muslims, tea garden workers, gorkhas, muslims. Some foreigners will also be included..", he stated.
"The Government also has to ensure that all legal citizens are included in the NRC", he said. The former CM also said that the current CM Sarbananda Sonowal should form a cabinet committee to ensure that the proceedings are being conducted in a legal and just manner.
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