All Assam Minority Students's Union (AAMSU) leader Azizur Rahman has made a shocking statement ahead of the publication of the final National Register of Citizens (NRC) draft on August 31. The student leader raised quite a few eyebrows when he suggested that Hojai's BJP MLA Shiladitya Dev should be placed under house arrest, as he represents the interests of the illegal Hindu-Bangladeshi migrants.
Rahman made this incendiary remark during an AAMSU workshop on the NRC that was being conducted on Thursday.
The AAMSU leader also alleged that the controversial Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader is an 'enemy' of Assam and its people.
It is to be mentioned that Shiladitya has raised a hue-and-cry over the NRC in its current form and has lashed out at the Co-Ordinator Prateek Hajela time-and-again.
Hajela has even been termed as a "super Chief Minister" by the controversial MLA.
Recently, while talking to Inside Northeast, claimed that there is no “proper monitoring” in the NRC process, and lamented that lakhs and lakhs of Bangladeshi Muslims who came after 1971 have been included in the draft, whereas Hindu Bengalis who came to India before 1971 were excluded because they did not have the necessary documents.
“Even martyrs’ families are facing the NRC hearings”, he said, adding that there NRC has been a failure in securing a future for the people of Assam.
“There are a lot of anomalies going on, therefore the (BJP) party has to voice its concerns”, added Shiladitya.
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