Former Meghalaya Chief Minister Mukul Sangma will be contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Tura, has made some startling allegations against the North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA) allies of the BJP and stated that the BJP’s allies in the Northeast are all directly dependent on the saffron party.
“BJP has been nurturing these parties because they cannot fight directly with the Congress and the BJP is using the shoulders of these regional parties to fire upon. BJP has nurtured, backed, funded and supported these parties and they are totally dependent on the BJP. Therefore, these parties cannot dissociate with the BJP”, Sangma said.
Sangma also added that the show of regionalism of the NEDA allies is an act as, as at the end of the day, they all have to answer to the BJP high command. “In the eyes of the public, they engage in rhetoric, they engage in narrative and show that they are with the people, but then at the end of the day these are the ground realities and exposing their true colors."
Sangma also alleged that the BJP is piggybacking on other political parties because they cannot fight the Congress where it has strong bases such as Meghalaya and Mizoram. “BJP have created the NEDA to try to weaken the Congress. The rhetoric with which they (regional parties) try to portray themselves as independent regional parties not associated with BJP has been exposed now.”
“NEDA is the platform wherein they further impose this whole nexus between BJP and other regional parties”, said Sangma.
Sangma also alleged that BJP has used some ‘political love potion’ to get the regional parties back into the NEDA alliance and also alleged that the parties have “sold out” to the BJP overlords.