BJP Trying to Create a 'Fascist Society': AASU Leader Lurinjyoti Gogoi Condemns JNU Attack

BJP Trying to Create a 'Fascist Society': AASU Leader Lurinjyoti Gogoi Condemns JNU Attack

India TodayNE
  • Jan 06, 2020,
  • Updated Jan 06, 2020, 1:43 AM IST

Guwahati, January 6, 2019:

All Assam Students' Union (AASU) General Secretary Lurinjyoti Gogoi lashed out at the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) after a mob comprising Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) members brutally attacked both students and teachers at the Jawarharlal Nehru University (JNU).

Speaking to Inside Northeast, Gogoi stated that the AASU strongly condemns the treatment meted out to the JNU students.

"Incidents like these cannot occur in a civilized society. In fact, I would go so far as to suggest as hooliganism like this is only possible when a fascist government is in power", Gogoi said.

The AASU leader further stated that this kind of mob violence is being carried out to suppress the students' democratic voices, and claimed that it is part of the ruling regime's strategy to stomp out any and all opposition to its policies.

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Lamenting the fate of the students who were assaulted, Gogoi stated, "They have an independent opinion, as they are the up-and-coming generation. Their democratic protests and democratic voices are suppressed."

Gogoi further questioned the local police personnel after it was reported that the policemen stood as silent spectators as the JNU students were being thrashed with improvised weapons by the mob. "This is indeed shocking because happened right underneath the noses of the Government. People who understand the importance of education will never do something like this."

Ruing the direction that the country is going in, the student leader also stated that the BJP-led Government is taking a turn towards fascism. "They are building a fascist society, a system that favours them", Lurin said.

However, the AASU leader expressed hope that the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act will continue, despite mounting pressure from the authorities. "Acts like these will not stop the democratic voices against the CAA, and I call upon the people to continue with the protests", Gogoi.

It may be mentioned that at least 20 were injured in the attacks on JNU students and teachers. Masked goons, suspected to be from the ABVP, the student-arm of the BJP, pulled out students from the hostels and beat them up using iron rods, stones and weapons. Eighteen of the injured have been admitted to the AIIMS in New Delhi.

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