MUMBAI: Supreme Court on Wednesday has granted interim bail to Republic TV editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami on a bond of Rs 50,000 in an abetment to suicide case.
According to reports, the Supreme court said that the High Court was incorrect in not granting bail.
The court further added that Arnab Goswami and two other accused in the case should be released on interim bail on a bond of Rs 50,000.
A bench of Justices Chandrachud and Indira Banerjee made the observations while hearing Goswami’s plea challenging the Bombay HC order.
The Supreme Court stated that his arrest was "illegal, mala-fide and politically motivated as evident from the multifarious proceedings initiated against him."
Also Read: Arnab Goswami moves to Supreme Court seeking relief
Goswami on Tuesday moved to the Supreme Court to seek interim bail in the 2018 abetment of suicide case of an interior designer, Anvay Naik.
The Bombay HC on Monday refused to grant bail to Goswami and asked him to move to the local court for interim relief.
The appeal against the high court order has been filed in the top court through lawyer Nirnimesh Dubey.
The state government, through advocate Sachin Patil, has also filed a caveat in the top court to ensure that no order is passed on Goswami’s plea without it being heard in the case.
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