BJP General Secretary in charge of North East Ram Madhav has said that the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (CAB) will be placed in Rajya Sabha for approval in the ongoing session as a supplementary bill as talks are on with aggrieved parties to find a middle ground which will satisfy all.
This statement comes after leaders from the Northeast, including Meghalaya CM Conrad Sangma and senior AGP leaders from the state of Assam reached Delhi to hold talks with senior BJP leaders including Home Minister Rajnath Singh.
“Home Ministry is talking to all the stakeholders and we are hopeful that a middle ground will be found soon which will pave the way for the passing of the bill in the upper house,” Madav told UNI.
Madhav added though the bill was not listed in the business list of the Rajya Sabha, it could be introduced in the upper house as supplementary bill anytime during the session.
On being queried about the ‘middle ground’, Madhav said, “I cannot share the exact details. Our top leadership is discussing ways how to address the concerns being expressed by different alliance partners in North East.
“At the same time, we have to deliver our promise to the persecuted people. I hope this convincing can be done before Rajya Sabha takes up the Bill”, Madhav added.
The budget session of Parliament which is the last session before the General elections which began on January 31 is expected to go on till February 13. The Citizenship Amendment bill, 2016 was passed by the Lok Sabha on January 8 and awaits approval at the Upper House so that it can become an Act.
It is to be mentioned that the Bill will expire if it is not placed before the Rajya Sabha this session.
Courtesy: UNI ABI