Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday inaugurated nearly 1,000 'Model Anganwadi Centres' located across the State at an official central ceremony held at the RB Higher Secondary School playground under the Palasbari Assembly constituency.
The Chief Minister stated during his speech at the ceremony that his aim is for the State to establish 15,000 Model Anganwadi Centers in total by the year 2026. Sarma said that the Model Anganwadi centre would fulfil the hopes and aspirations of the parents from the remotest parts of the State.
The physical and intellectual foundations of a youngster are established in Anganwadi. The Chief Minister stated that it educates children on their path toward a higher education system.
Additionally, "There must be proper infrastructure in place to take forward the system of Anganwadi in the State. It is with this in mind that we started the project of constructing Model Anganwadi Centres across the State and appeal to all parents to enrol their eligible wards in these model centres."
To advance the Anganwadi system in the State, Himanta Biswa Sarma further said " it is important that the necessary infrastructure be taken forward. It is with this in mind that we started the project of constructing Model Anganwadi Centres across the State. "
Sarma further added that constructing a new medical or engineering college shouldn't be prioritised before an Anganwadi centre. The physicians and engineers of the future will come from these Anganwadi centres, he continued.
The Chief Minister also launched the "Adopt an Anganwadi" portal, which aims to provide people, non-governmental organisations, and philanthropists a platform through which they can support the costs of an
Anganwadi centre in full or in part and thereby contribute to society's welfare. According to Sarma, the individuals would feel morally satisfied as a result of this voluntary action.