Leader of the Opposition Debabrata Saikia has asked the Chief Minister of Assam Sarbananda Sonowal to conduct a fresh examination for vacant posts under the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL), in view of serious irregularities marring the written examination which was held on Sunday.
Debabrata Saikia dispatched a letter to the Chief Minister today, mentioning that the examination process was marked by leakage of questions on social media, unfettered use of mobile phones by certain candidates and even credible reports of some candidates being provided with the answers beforehand.
The fact that two invigilators and one examinee were arrested in this connection proved that the examination process was not clean as Saikia stated. He also mentioned that even before the examination was held, the media reported that the process had been compromised due to nepotism and sale of jobs by a powerful coterie in the Power department.
Saikia referred to similar controversies during recruitment examinations for posts under the Forest & Environment Department and the Panchayat & Rural Development Department, pointing out that this was the third successive tainted recruitment process under the government headed by CM Sonowal.
“Although you repeatedly keep assuring the people of Assam that your government will provide a clean administration and keep corruption at bay, it has been observed that whether it be syndicates or government recruitment, the government headed by you is well on its way to break all previous records of corruption,” Saikia remarked. In this context, he referred to media reports about huge scams in departments such as Irrigation and Public Health Engineering.
The Leader of the Opposition observed that the CM had remained unmoved by widespread protests against the previous tainted recruitment processes. Many deprived candidates were forced to move court as a result of the government’s failure to take remedial action. Therefore, Saikia stated, “Not just in the capacity of Leader of the Opposition, but as a resident of Assam, I demand that this examination which has done injustice to over two lakh unemployed youths should be scrapped and a fresh examination should be held. Further, punitive action must be taken against those responsible for the farcical examination, regardless of the position they may occupy.”