To ensure focussed development of Northeastern region, the Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region (MDoNER) under the North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS), has sanctioned 145 projects for the North East states, with a total budget of Rs 3,392.99 crore.
As of July 20, 2022, completion certificates for 02 projects totalling Rs. 50.90 crore have been received from the State Governments.
29 projects have been sanctioned for Arunachal Pradesh costing Rs 623.87 crore, while 33 projects have been sanctioned for Assam costing Rs 880.82 crore. Simultaneously 18 developmental projects have been sanctioned for Manipur at a cost of Rs 341.32 crore, 12 projects for Meghalaya for a total budget of Rs 340.50 crore, 17 projects for Mizoram for Rs 345.38 crore, 17 projects for Nagaland for Rs 333.62 crore, 8 projects for Sikkim at a cost of Rs 214.51 crore and lastly Tripura with 11 projects costing Rs 312.97 in total expenditure.
It may be mentioned here that three projects sanctioned under NESIDS costing more than Rs 100 crore are mentioned below:
1) Upgradation of 132 KV Surjamaninagar Sub-Station into 400 KV in Tripura costing Rs 120.88 crore
2) Construction of Double Lane Road from Lanka to Umrangso via Diyungmukh, Haflong Tinali and Panimur, Assam costing Rs 227.17 crore
3) Alternate Gravity Water Supply Scheme of Aizawl, Mizoram costing Rs 114.20 crore.
Out of the 1,642 sanctioned projects totaling Rs. 17,470.99 crore under the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) plan, 1,278 projects totaling Rs. 10,919.76 crore were finished by 20.07.2022.
The working season, the locations of the project sites, the local conditions, etc., which vary from project to project, all have an impact on how quickly the project is completed.
The MDoNER has been working for the all round development of the Northeast region by providing financial assistance for projects of physical infrastructure.