The ‘Hindu Suraksha Manch’ and United Trust of Assam jointly lodged an FIR in Guwahati demanding immediate action against the Canadian filmmaker Leena Manimekalai for “hurting religious sentiments with the poster of her documentary Kaali.”
In the FIR, filed at the Dispur police station, the complainants alleged that the poster depicts Goddess Kali in a manner “which is not acceptable by any Hindu.”
It was further alleged that the poster is “nothing but a deliberate distortion of Hindu religion and culture with malicious intent to insult Hindu religious feelings.”
The complainants have asked the police to take “necessary action against her as soon as possible.”
In a related development, the Delhi Police and the Uttar Pradesh Police have also registered FIRs against the makers of the movie over its poster that depicts the Hindu goddess smoking a cigarette.
The police have booked her under sections 153A, 295A.
Controversy erupted after filmmaker Leena Manimekalai shared the poster of her film on social media on July 2.
The sensational poster depicts a woman dressed in the costume of Goddess Kaali. She is seen smoking a cigarette in the photo.
Along with her usual accoutrements of a trident, and sickle, the actor playing the goddess is shown wielding the LGBTQ+ pride flag.
Meanwhile, the Indian High Commission has urged the Canadian authorities and the event organizers to withdraw all such provocative material".
#ArrestLeenaManimekal has also been trending on Twitter.
Meanwhile, Chandra Arya, and India-born politician from Canada, has said anti-Hindu and anti-India forces have joined hands in Canada.