Assam Finance Minister on Monday alleged that the highest number of minority people died during the Tarun Gogoi-led Congress regime in the State. Congress was in power in Assam between 2001 to 2016 with Tarun Gogoi as Chief Minister for three consecutive terms.
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During a campaign rally in the minority-dominated Jania, Biswa Sarma said, "The Congress way is to frighten the minorities and get votes. It is during the congress rule that communal clashes takes place. Congress creates fear and rules.”
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Biswa Sarma stated that across the country, the highest number of minority people died in Assam during the 15 year rule of Tarun Gogoi", Biswa Sarma alleged. He alleged it is a ploy of the Congress to frighten the minorities and get votes.
Assam will go to assembly polls in 2021. State unit BJP president Ranjit Kumar Dass said that BJP will all the four seats bye polls, which will be held on October 21.
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