Assam Chief Minister delivered a criticized West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee during a public meeting in Barasat Lok Sabha, in West Bengal. His remarks focused on recent controversies surrounding Banerjee's comments about socio-religious organizations and the Sandeshkhali incident.
Sarma condemned Banerjee's statements against Ramakrishna Mission, Bharat Seva Ashram accusing her of threatening these organizations to appease her political base. He emphasized the global recognition these organizations have for their service and morality, contrasting it with Banerjee's alleged intimidation.
"The TMC has plundered the State's finances and is only interested in filling their pockets through the Commission Raj. BJP will end this", Sarma claimed speaking to the people of Barasat Lok Sabha.
He further compared the development taking place in Assam and the decline of Bengal, stating that Mamata Banerjee, the Bengal CM has put the state 100 years back. "Mamata is torturing the poor of Bengal" claims the Assam CM, criticizing the alleged decline of West Bengal under the leadership of TMC.