Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma found himself at the receiving end of trolls on social media after he apparently struggled to write a message in the visitor's book at the Prime Minister's Museum. However, he quickly took to Twitter to clarify that he was trying his best to learn Hindi and English and that he had studied in an Assamese medium school. The CM's honest admission won him accolades and praise from netizens who appreciated his humility and honesty.
In his Twitter post, the Chief Minister stated, "I went to an Assamese medium school and am trying my best to learn Hindi and English in my own humble way. I must admit that I do not know English and Hindi very well, and I have no hesitation in admitting it."
The tweet came after a few individuals criticized Sarma for struggling to write a message in the visitor's book at the Prime Minister's Museum. However, the CM's candid response won him the admiration of many on social media, with one user even saying, "More power to you @himantabiswa. The nation needs more honest leaders like you. Respect for you has increased in my heart today."
Another user commended the CM for his honesty and said, "Well said, sir. No problem in admitting!" While some took the opportunity to poke fun at the situation, one user pointed out that even Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Indian National Congress, was caught copying and pasting during a visit to Nepal.
Earlier in the day, BRS leader and Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation chairman Y Sathish Reddy had tweeted that Sarma was copying notes while filling the visitor's book of PM Museum.