In the wake alarming surge in Dengue cases, the Chief Executive Member (CEM) of Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC), on November 6 announced the closure of educational institutions falling within Diphu Municipal Board and Greater Diphu Town area for the next five days.
In this regard, an order has been issued by the Principal Secretary, KAAC, wherein, it has been mentioned that from 7th to 12th November 2022 schools will be closed falling under the above said municipal board.
''In view of the alarming surge in Dengue cases and in pursuance to Jt. Director's letter vide No. NHM/K-Ang/Office Order/2022/330/Part-IV/55274, Dated Diphu the 06/11/2022 and as preventive measures against impending epidemic, therefore all educational institutions both Govt. and private, etc. from Non-formal Pre-schools (Anganwadi) to colleges falling within Diphu Municipal Board and Greater Diphu Town area, shall remain closed on 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th of November, 2022,'' the order added.
''This has the approval of the Hon'ble Chief Executive Member, KAAC,'' it said.
Notably, on November 2, three people had died in Diphu who were patients undergoing treatment at the Diphu Medical College and Hospital.
Meanwhile, amid the surge in cases, authorities are taking all measures to prevent the further spread of the viral disease.