A devastating fire ravaged through a residence in Kahibari, Goalpara district, during the night, leaving behind a trail of destruction. The fire originated at the house of Majendra Chandra Ray, located in Khilamara village of Kahibari, reportedly triggered by a cylinder explosion in the main house's kitchen.
Both structures on the property, including the main house and an adjacent building, succumbed to the flames, resulting in irreparable damage. The inferno swiftly consumed property worth lakhs of rupees, including cash, valuable documents, clothing, bedding, furniture, ornaments, three mobile phones, a plethora of utensils, and a collection of books.
Upon receiving reports of the incident, authorities swiftly responded, with Rangjuli police and the fire brigade rushing to the scene. With the assistance of the local community, they battled the flames in a frantic effort to contain the fire. Despite their valiant efforts, the fire had already engulfed the entirety of the house by the time it was finally extinguished.
The catastrophic blaze has left the affected family reeling from the loss of their belongings and the destruction of their home. Investigations into the cause of the fire are underway, as authorities seek to ascertain the circumstances leading to the tragic incident.