Sudip Kundu, a young individual from Dhubri, Assam, is on a mission to spread the life-saving message that "a drop of blood can save a life." He has traveled through eight Indian states, willingly donating blood and raising awareness about the importance of blood donation.
Having donated blood more than fifty times, Kundu is not only promoting the noble act of giving blood but is also working tirelessly to dispel myths about blood donation. He believes that despite the dire need for blood in medical emergencies, a significant 80% of people in our nation remain unaware of their blood type, a reality he finds disheartening.
Kundu's journey of compassion has taken him to Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, New Delhi, Rajasthan, and more, where he not only donates blood but also spreads awareness about the critical impact that blood donation can have on saving lives.
Championing the cause in a unique manner, Kundu and his team have debunked the misconception that blood donation leads to a prolonged recovery or exposes donors to various health issues. Through education, lectures, and public engagements, they have successfully shattered these myths, encouraging more people to come forward and contribute to this life-saving endeavor.
"The Humanity," a chain founded by Kundu, has emerged as a vital platform that unites individuals from across India and even neighboring Bangladesh. It acts as a blood donation hub, ensuring that voluntary blood donations are available to those in need, thus saving countless lives.
While speaking to India Today NE, Kundu stated that, through "The Humanity" which is a family we have voluntarily donated more than ten thousand units of blood by our volunteers and not only in India, we have volunteers in our neighbouring country Bangladesh too.