In a tragic turn of events, the Meghalaya Police have initiated an investigation into the deaths of three youths from Assam, suspecting criminal rivalry as the cause. The incident, which occurred in the East Garo Hills district, is believed to be linked to ongoing tensions between groups involved in car theft and cattle theft.
According to a press statement released by the Meghalaya Police, the deceased youths—identified as Jamor Ali (35), Noor Ahmed, and Zahidul Islam (25)—had a history of involvement in criminal activities specifically car lifting and cattle theft in various locations of Assam.
The grim discovery unfolded on Wednesday when the charred remains of the three Assam youths were found in the dense jungles of East Garo Hills district. Initial investigations revealed that the trio had embarked on a journey late in the evening of April 15, 2024, purportedly hired by an unidentified individual for undisclosed tasks in Meghalaya.
On April 16, at approximately 06:30 am, the families of the deceased received a call from Jamor Ali, stating that they were having breakfast in a jungle area within the Garo Hills. However, subsequent attempts to contact them proved futile as their mobile phones were found switched off.
The police discovered the missing vehicle belonging to the youths inside a dense jungle near the Link Road connecting Rogu Alda village under Rongjeng PS in East Garo Hills District. The vehicle was found burnt, with a freshly dug pit nearby, prompting further investigation by the Forensic Team and Crime Scene Unit of the State Police.
In the presence of an Executive Magistrate, the charred bodies were recovered from the pit after removing loose soil. Inquest and spot Post-Mortem examinations were conducted, and the bodies were later handed over to their respective relatives following completion of formalities.
Further scrutiny revealed that Zahidul Islam had been implicated in car theft cases in Dudhnoi and Krishnai, with a pending case against him under Krishnai Police Station. Similarly, Jamor Ali had a history of involvement in cattle theft cases under Matia PS, Assam.
In light of these developments, the Meghalaya Police have registered a case under Rongjeng PS Case No. 8(4)2024, invoking sections 302/201/435/34 of the Indian Penal Code for further investigation into the matter.