A few days ago, the Elementary Education Department of Assam released an order directing all school authorities of the Kamrup Metro district to hold morning assemblies inside classrooms after the death of a 10-year-old girl, Snigdha Sikha Das, who was studying at Nichols School in Guwahati.
According to reports, the girl allegedly suffered heat stroke after the school authorities held a condolence meeting on the school campus in which students had to stay under the scorching sun for almost an hour.
With regards to the incident, Snigdha Sikha Das’s parents have announced "Mission Snigdha" so that no other children should have to face such unfair, tyrannical, proselytised malpractices.
Snigdha's father posted a message on social media that reads:
“ With a heavy heart want to share the story of my dear beloved daughter who is no more. She was only 9 years old when we lost her and I feel so much heartache because lost my beloved child neither to any sickness nor to any accident. I lost her because I put my trust of her well-being on the school. I believed that my child was safe at school and that they could be trusted to look after her well-being while she was there and for that I am really sorry to my dear departed daughter that I could not protect her or look after her well. I was wrong to trust the school. I am sorry.
Snigdha Shikha Das, my dear departed daughter, was a student of IV" Standard at Nichols Higher Secondary School, Chatribari, Guwahati. On the 4 August, 2022 my daughter went to school as usual but when she returned home she told me that she was feeling dizzy and nauseous. After telling me this she started vomiting blood instead. So, we rushed her to Marwari Maternity Hospital to check her health condition. The doctor/ hospital recommended that we take her to the GMCH We did as we were asked and took her to GMCH without any delay. As soon as we entered the elevator of GMCH our daughter started coughing blood and lost consciousness. After which she was put under ventilation until 6 August, 2022 but she could not be saved. The doctors told me it was brain hemorrhage which was caused while she fainted due to standing under direct sunlight for a long time. The cause of death was mentioned as "Intracranial Hemorrhage with Perilesional edema and mass effect with transtentorial herniation"
Was later informed by the guardians of other students of the school that there was an assembly at school where all the students stood under the direct sunlight for about than an hour during which she and some other students had fainted and fell down on the ground; my daughter started vomiting blood and the teachers told the other students to keep their eyes closed and also to keep their head down so that the other students do not see Snigdha in such a condition. After that even though my daughter was not feeling well but she was made to attend and complete the day's classes before returning home by school bus.
Feel guilty for not being able to save my child, though she complained me about the foul treatment of school. So, I am starting this "Mission Snigdha" so that no other children should have to face such unfair, tyrannical, proselytized malpractices.
‘Mission Snigdha' represents the goal of all such parents who are fighting to have justice served for their children who have died or have suffered the effects of the infractions committed by the government and school officials.