Amid ongoing protests over the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday inaugurated four projects worth Rs 39,000 crore at Changsari near Guwahati. The projects included: a bridge over the river Brahmaputra, construction work of the AIIMS, Numaligarh Refinery’s bio-diesel plant and the Barauni-Guwahati gas pipeline.
Addressing a total of around three lakh people in Himanta Biswa Sarma’s constituency at Changsari, PM Modi, promised much in what can be assumed as an 'election gimmick' before the Lok Sabha elections.
"Our government is ready to fully protect the culture, resources and Northeast states’ language", pledged PM Narendra Modi.
Further, Modi announced that in the last 4.5 years, projects worth Rs 14,000 crores have been completed in the oil and gas sector of Assam. "We are improving connectivity in the northeast. The six-lane highway over Brahmaputra will reduce the time between the two river banks from 1:30 hours to 15 minutes. However, Assam will be transformed into oil and gas hub with these projects which will boost India’s economy", Modi announced in Changsari.
Recalling the recent interim budget, Narendra Modi announced that the Centre has increased the budget for the north-east by more than 21%.