Multiple organisations demands ban on supply of Sand & Stone out of State

Multiple organisations demands ban on supply of Sand & Stone out of State

Multiple organisations demands ban on supply of Sand & Stone out of StateMultiple organisations demands ban on supply of Sand & Stone out of State
India TodayNE
  • Sep 04, 2018,
  • Updated Sep 04, 2018, 1:43 AM IST

Diphu (Assam), September 3, 2018:

The Hill Tribal League (HTL) has demanded to ban the supply of sand and stone out of Assam in a press conference at the Karbi Student Association (KSA) Office at Diphu on Monday.

This has been supported by Karbi Student Association (KSA), Langpher Riso Nimso Aterang (LRNA) and ASDC - Youth Front.

The organisations alleged that illegal mining of other minerals, excessive quarrying of stone and sand are going on with the connivance of the authorities concerned. Sand mahals are auctioned for a longer period than regular one year. As learnt from reliable sources, passing of multiples sand laden truck in a single transit pass issued by the forest department is a regular practice. It causes heavy loss of revenue to the KAAC stated.

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